Here you will find hyperlinks referenced in the Oak Meadow printed curriculum. Find your grade level or course below to find all the links from the coursebooks.
These external resources have been reviewed and vetted by our Oak Meadow teachers. While they are not owned by Oak Meadow, they can be a valuable supplement to the Oak Meadow curriculum.
We strive to make sure that all of our links are intact. If you find anything that seems to be missing or out of place, please let us know.
Click Here for High School Curriculum Links >
Preschool – Grade 3
Fairies, Gnomes, and Other Wee Folk
Gardening and Outdoors Fun
Sensory Experiences, Small World Bins, and More
Snacks and Treats
Nature Tables and Displays
Early Learning Activities
Teaching and Learning: Rhythm
Oak Meadow Resources
Living Education
Meagan Rose Wilson
How Wee Learn
Teaching and Learning: Stories and Storytelling
“Using a Flannel Board to Tell a Story”
“How To—DIY Children’s Felt Board—Hallmark Channel”
Preschool Pre-Writing Skills
Teaching and Learning: Art, A Creative Experience
“Drawing with Block Crayons”
“Felting with Wool Roving”
Month: September
Had a Rooster Songtale
“Drying Flowers in Sand”
Month: October
“Finger Knitting with Children”
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: World Food Day
Month: November
“Pinecone Winter Owls Craft”
“How to . . . Make Sand Beads”
“How to Make Corn Husk Dolls”
How to Pop Homegrown Popcorn on the Cob in the Microwave:
Month: December
DIY Shoe Tying Practice Board
“Waldorf Window Star Tutorial”
“How to Make Hand-Dipped Beeswax Candles”
“How to Make Pomanders with Oranges and Cloves”
Night Sky Planner
Month: January
Teddy Bears Picnic
“Expansive Geometric Drawings Trampled in Snow and Sand by Simon Beck”
Month: February
“Valentine Craft Tissue Paper Stained Glass Heart”
Month: March
Raising Butterflies
Learn About Nature
Month: April
“Rustic Honey Cake”
Month: June
“Terracotta Sharpie Paint Marker Design”
“Grandma Can Make Fairy Houses from Forest Finds”
“Easy to Make Bubble Paint for Toddler and Preschool Art”
Month: July
“Easy Cork Boat Craft for Kids”
Month: Anytime
“Toilet Paper Roll Train Craft”
Songs (alphabetized)
A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea
A Tistket, A Tasket
Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Down at the Station
Down by the Bay
Farmer in the Dell
Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Five Little Ducks Went Out to Play
Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Here We Go Looby Loo
Hickory Dickory Dock
Hokey Pokey
I’m a Little Teapot
I’ve Been Working on the Railroad
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Jingle Bells
Lavender’s Blue
Little Red Caboose
London Bridge Is Falling Down
Mary had a Little Lamb
Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow
Oh, How Lovely is the Evening
Over in the Meadow
Over the River
Pop Goes the Weasel
Ring Around the Rosie
Row, Row, Row, Your Boat
Skinamarink a dink a dink
Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Ten Little Bunnies (one little, two little, three little bunnies) – Can use any animals–song is about dinosaurs
The Green Leaves Grew All Around
The Muffin Man
This Old Man, He Played One
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
When You’re Happy & You Know It
Where is Thumbkin?
White Coral Bells
Grade 1
Language Arts
Lesson 31: phonics & reading activities
Phonics lesson plans at teAchnology
Word games at PBS Kids
Lesson 33: word study games
Interactive Wordplays
Social Studies
Lesson 14: local map sites
Google Maps
The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas, Austin
Lesson 15: state maps
Blank outline state maps at
State maps and data at
Printable maps and state quizzes at
Lesson 16: United States maps
Various U.S. maps at
Building Marvels: Landmarks of the United States
Lesson 36: appreciating diversity
“Helping Children Understand Other Cultures” at Ohio State University
“Appreciating Diversity” at A Place of Our Own
Lesson 5: animal tracking sites
Mammal Tracks at
Princeton University’s Outdoor Action Guide to Animal Tracking
Lesson 19: Arctic
Fun with Blubber!
How Do Whales, Penguins, and Polar Bears Keep Warm?
Lesson 20: diurnal and nocturnal animals
Night vision page at Nova Online
Lesson 24: scientific method
Sink or Float?
Lesson 30: sounds in nature
Animal sounds at
Birdsong recordings at the Audubon Society
“Listening to Nature” at the California Library of Natural Sounds
Lesson 31: birds’ nests
Bird houses at
Bird Nests from Backyard Nature
Lesson 34: bees & honey
The British Beekeepers Association
Live Tutorials: Form Drawing Lessons
Grade 2
Language Arts
Lesson 2: long and short vowels
Short A and Long A Sounds
Short E and Long E Sounds
Short I and Long I Sounds
Short O and Long O Sounds
Short U and Long U Sounds
Lesson 8: phonics & word study
Favorite Phonics Games, Apps, and Websites from Common Sense Education
Word games at Word Central
Lesson 19: short and long A
Short A and Long A Sounds
Lesson 20: short and long E
Short E and Long E Sounds
Lesson 21: short and long I
Short I and Long I Sounds
Lesson 22: short and long O
Short O and Long O Sounds
Lesson 23: short and long U
Short U and Long U Sounds
Social Studies
Lesson 19: Celtic & Irish culture
The Celtic Webring
Irish Culture and Customs
Who Were the Iron Age Celts?
Lesson 20: Ancient China
Ancient China for Kids
History for Kids: Ancient China
Ancient China Maps
Lesson 21: Ancient Mali
Ancient Africa for Kids
Sundiata on African History
History for Kids: Ancient Africa
Lesson 24: ancient currency
The Earliest Currency in Ireland
Coins of Ancient Greece & Rome
Origins of Coins
Lesson 32: electing leaders
Kids Voting USA
Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government
Exploring the Voting Process with Kids—A Family Activity
Lesson 15: beehives & beeswax
Just for Kids! at
The Buzz on Bees
Animal Video: Learn About Bees
Ten Facts About Honeybees
Lesson 19: the weaverbird
Animal Facts: Weaver Bird
Weavers of the World
Lesson 20: the swiftlet
The Glossy Swiftlet
Swiftlets and Bird’s Nest Soup
Lesson 28: animal communication
How Wolves Communicate
The Animal Communication Project
How Animals Use Smells
Lesson 30: the desert biome
Deserts at Blue Planet
The Desert Biome at the University of California, Berkeley
Biomes: Desert
Lesson 31: animals & their habitats
Animals at Blue Planet
Dolphin Research Center
A – Z Animals: Habitats
Animal Facts Sheets
Lesson 32: reptiles
Reptiles Magazine
Animals at the San Diego Zoo
Lesson 33: frogs
Frogs at the San Francisco Exploratorium
Frog Facts
Fun Frog Facts for Kids
Lesson 34: insects
The Insects Home Page
Bug Bios
“Katerpillars & Mystery Bugs” from the University of Kentucky
Lesson 35: birds
All About Birds at Enchanted Learning
Fun Bird Facts for Kids
Birds: San Diego Zoo Kids
Lesson 36: fish
Fish Facts
Fish ‘n’ Kids
All About Fish
Some Interesting Facts About Fish
Live Tutorials: Form Drawing Lessons
Lesson 10: Patterning Block
Patterning Block (Multiplication Math Art Board)
Grade 3
Language Arts
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon: Activities
Lesson 1: learning styles
Learning Styles Explained
Learning Styles Online
Learning Styles
Lesson 2: interactive language games
Primary Games
Social Studies
Lesson 4: Phoenician writing
The Phoenician Alphabet in Archaeology
Lesson 12: maps of the ancient world
Phoenician Time Map
Ancient World Maps
Historical Maps at the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
Lesson 15: Native American culture
Native Americans and Lewis & Clark
Native American Tribes and Cultures
Lesson 23: job interdependence
The Birth of a Tool Part 1 – Axe Making
Lesson 26: frontier life
Fort Griffin
Lesson 28: ancient Israel
Moses at Kidipede
Lesson 31: Native tales & legends
Cherokee Stories
Native American Lore
Lesson 33: basis of government
“Join the Signers” at the National Archives
U.S. Electoral College
I’m Just a Bill
Lesson 34: The Declaration of Independence
Historic Philadelphia
The Declaration of Independence at
Congress for Kids
Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government
The Constitution for Kids
Lesson 21: the water cycle
The Water Cycle
KidZone Science: The Water Cycle
Hands-On Science Water Absorption Experiment
Lesson 22: photosynthesis
Science Made Simple
Methuselah Tree
Lesson 23: ecological conservation
Ecology for Kids
Lesson 24: more about the water cycle
Environmental Kids Club
Lesson 25: biomes
World Biomes
Blue Planet Biomes
Lesson 26: more about biomes
Biomes of the World
The World’s Biomes
Lesson 27: volcanoes & earthquakes
Volcano Explorer
Field Trip to Mars
Lesson 28: natural resources
Natural Resources Conservation Service
National Wildlife Federation
Enrivonmental Kids Club
Lesson 29: caves
The Virtual Cave
The National Speleological Society
Lesson 30: rocks
Rocks and Sediments
Rocks for Kids
Mineralogy 4 Kids
Lesson 32: the ocean
Parent-Led Activities from the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Lesson 33: the freshwater biome
Freshwater Wetlands at the World Wildlife Fund
Aquatic Biomes
Lesson 34: vertebrates & invertebrates
Vertebrates & Invertebrates at Fact Monster
Extinct Animals Primary Resource Guide
Bronx Zoo: A Student’s Guide to Doing Basic Research
Lesson 35: classifying plants
Mosses at Backyard Nature
Lesson 36: extinct & endangered animals & plants
Endangered Species at the World Wildlife Fund
Live Tutorials: Form Drawing Lessons
Grade 4
Grade 4 - Language Arts
Language Arts
The Word Search
Vocabulary Spelling City
Fry Sight Word Lists
18 Tactile Spelling Activities
41 Writing Prompts for 4th Grade
Teaching without Frills
Lesson 2: Nouns and verbs
Nouns and Verbs
Verbs for Kids
Action, Linking, and Helping Verbs
Lesson 3: Alphabetizing; adjectives and adverbs
A Lesson on Alphabetizing
Adjectives and Adverbs: English Grammar Made Simple
Lesson 4: Sentence building
6 Ways to Start a Sentence
The Sentence Song
Lesson 5: Different types of adverbs
English for Kids: Adverbs
Types of Adverbs
Lesson 6: Ending punctuation
The Punctuation Song
Lesson 8: Pronouns; five-sentence paragraphs
Pronoun Song
Paragraph song
Lesson 11: Compound sentences
Simple, compound, and complex sentences
Lesson 14: Creating a storyboard; composing poetry
Storyboard Templates
How to write poetry
Parts of a poem
5 poetry writing prompts for kids
Lesson 16: Poetry memorization and recitation
42 Famous Poems for Kids
Poems for kids to recite
Short Poems for Children
Lesson 17: Subject and predicate
Subjects and predicates
Lesson 18: Sentence fragments; sentence building
Sentence fragments
Using varied sentence types
Lesson 20: Contractions; short story writing
Alphabetical list of contractions
Writing a story with beginning, middle, end
How to write a story for kids
Lesson 23: Singular and plural possessives
Grammar: Plural or possessive?
Punctuation: Using apostrophes to show singular & plural possession
Apostrophe trick
Lesson 26 & 27: Elements of a short story
Story Elements
How to Write a Story
Lesson 29: Story endings
Write great endings!
How to write an effective ending to a story
Lesson 30: Editing and proofreading
Editing your writing for kids
Lesson 31: Revision and proofreading skills
Tips for revision writing
ARMS Revising
Grade 4 - Social Studies
Social Studies
Native American societies before contact
Native Americans for Kids
Map skills for elementary students
Colonial America for Kids
Westward Expansion and the Old West
Lesson 1: Local topography; very old tree
What is topography?
Lesson 2: Soil types and layering
What’s the dirt on…dirt?
Types of soil
Get the scoop on soil
Layers of soil
Lesson 7: Research Native American group
An insightful look into the history of the Native Americans
Lesson 8-10: Research report
How to write a research paper for kids
Lesson 11: Model of a traditional Native American village
Dwellings of Native Americans
Lesson 13: Relief maps
Making a relief map
Representing mountains on maps
Lesson 14: State symbols
State symbols
Lesson 15: State capitals; population centers
Tour of the states (with capitals and symbols)
Lesson 19: Early explorers and colonial settlers
Early Explorers: Gold, God, and Glory
The American Explorers Explained
Early European Settlement of North America Explained
Life in Jamestown
Colonial Times (1585-1776)
Lesson 23: Early settlers in local area
What can be learned from a 17th century American town
Lesson 25: Material culture of pioneers
A Day in the Life of a 1850s Pioneer
Life in America 1800
The American West – Wagon Trails to the West (1849)
Lesson 28: Native American leaders
American’s Great Indian Leaders (Full Length Documentary)
Lesson 29: California gold rush
California Gold Rush for Kids
Lesson 30: Famous lawmen of the Old West
Lawmen of the Old West
10 of the most dangerous lawmen of the Old West
Lesson 31: Pony Express
Pony Express: A Brief History
The Pony Express: A Revolution in Transportation and Communication
10 things you may not know about the Pony Express
Lesson 32: Transcontinental railroad
Transcontinental Railroad and the American West
Building the Transcontinental Railroad
Golden Spike 150 Year Anniversary
Grade 4 - Science
General video clips
Astronomy for Kids
Animals and Nature: DK Find Out!
Lesson 1: Observation and description
What Tree Rings Tell Us About the Life of a Tree
Reading the rings of a tree
Lesson 2: Patterns and shapes in nature
Patterns in nature
Math patterns in nature
The Mathematics of Nature’s Patterns
Lesson 4: Similarities between forms in nature
Finding Geometry in Nature
Lesson 6: Seed sprouting experiment
Bean time-lapse 25 days
Growing pea time-lapse
Lesson 7: Chart experiment data; compare seed growth
Types of Graphs
Lesson 8: Seed transportation
7 Brilliant Ways Seeds and Fruits Are Dispersed
Seed Dispersal for Kids
Fruits and seed dispersal
Lesson 10: Parts of a cell
Parts of the cell for kids
Cells are the starting point
What is a cell?
Lesson 11: Food energy and food values
Food Energy Basics for Kids
Lesson 12: Nutritional diets
How to Create a Healthy Plate
You are what you eat!
Sparkle Kitchen: Rainbow Salad
Lesson 13: Sugar; reading food labels
Making Healthy Choices Using Nutrition Facts Labels
The Nutrition Facts Label
Lesson 15: Dog breeds
Breeds of Dogs, Part 1
Breeds of Dogs, Part 2
Puppy Breeds 101
190 Dog Breeds Before and After Growing Up
Lesson 17: Dogs helping people
These Dogs Help Humans in Amazing Ways
How Dogs (Eventually) Became our Best Friends
Lesson 23: Birdcalls; nature signs
Lesson 28: Constellations
Constellation Facts for Kids
What are stars and constellations
A Kid’s Guide to Stargazing
Night sky: Summer Triangle
Lesson 29: Moon; gravity
All About the Moon
Where Did the Moon Come From?
Why Does the Moon Change?
Defining Gravity
What if there was no gravity on Earth?
Lesson 31: Meteors and comets; auroras
What’s the Difference Between Comets, Asteroids, Meteoroids, Meteors, & Meteorites?
Meteor Showers 101
All About Comets for Kids
All About Auroras
What Causes the Northern Lights?
Lesson 33: Latitude and longitude
Latitude and Longitude
Map Skills: Geography, Latitude, and Longitude
Latitude and Longitude: Using Coordinates to Find Places on a Map
Lesson 35: Cardinal directions; compass navigation
Cardinal Directions: Explanations for Kids
3 Compass Games
How to Use a Compass
Grade 4 - Music and Art
Music & Art
Recorder Songs – Audio Files
Art Explorations for Kids
How to Draw a Perspective Landscape
Famous Paintings, Art Appreciation for Kids
4 Watercolor Techniques
Lesson 2: Tonal drawing
Tonal shading tips
Lesson 3: Negative space
Positive and negative space in art for kids
Lesson 4: Drawing from a close-up viewpoint
Drawing from near and far
Lesson 9: Perspectives in art
What is perspective in art?
Perspective art for kids
Lesson 10: Foreshortened circles; shading
Foreshortened circle
Lesson 11: Foreshortened square, three-dimensional lettering
Foreshortened squares
How to draw 3D letters
Lesson 12: Spherical drawings
How to draw a sphere
Lesson 13: Still life; surface lines law of perspective
Observational drawing for kids
Lesson 18: Viewing art
Art for kids: meet 10 famous paintings and artists
Lesson 25: Watercolor paintings
5 easy watercolor techniques for kids
Water colours on wet paper
Watercolor tutorial: wet in wet technique for beginners
Lesson 27: Drawing for science
Let’s make a scientific drawing
How do scientists draw and label leaves
Lesson 32: Drawing birds
How to draw a bird
How to draw a chickadee
How to draw a cardinal
Lesson 34: Human figure drawing
How to draw a simple human body for kids
Draw people: proportion
Lesson 35: Landscape drawing
Art projects for kids: landscapes
How to draw a landscape: art lesson for kids
Grade 5
Grade 5 - English
Learn from Great Writers
Citing Sources: Why & How to Do It
How-To Writing for Kids
Lesson 1: Subjects and predicates
Complete subjects and predicates
Lesson 2: Dependent and independent clauses
Independent and dependent clauses
Lesson 3: Simple and compound subjects and predicates
Simple and compound subjects and predicates
Lesson 4: Compound sentences and conjunctions
Simple and compound sentence for kids
Lesson 5: Complex sentences
Complex Sentences
Clauses and Complex Sentences
Lesson 6: Sentence fragments; run-on sentences
Fragments and Run-On Sentences
Lesson 7: capitalization; outlines
How to Create an Outline for Kids
Lesson 8: Common and proper nouns; possessive nouns
Common Nouns and Proper Nouns
What Are Possessive Nouns?
Lesson 9: Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives and Adverbs
The Adverb Song
Unpack Your Adjectives
The Adjective Song
Lesson 10: Dividing words into syllables; forming plural nouns
What Are Syllables?
Teaching Spelling Rules for Making Words Plural
Singular and Plural Nouns for Kids
Plurals, ‘y’ endings. Adding ‘ies’
Lesson 11: Sentence types
4 Types of Sentences
The Four Types of Sentences Song
Lesson 12: Direct quotations; in-text citations
How to Use Quotation Marks
How to Write Direct Speech
Citations for Beginners
What Are In-Text Citations?
Lesson 14: Punctuating dialogue; revising, editing, and proofreading
Tips for Revising Writing
ARMS Revising
Why Is Proofreading So Important?
Lesson 15 & 16: Base words, prefixes, suffixes
What are Suffixes?
Learning Tips: Prefixes and Suffixes
Lesson 17: Verb forms
Past Tense Verbs vs. Past Participle
Simple Verb Tenses (Present, Past, and Future Tense)
Lesson 18: Prepositions, prepositional phrases
What is a Preposition?
Prepositional Phrases
Lesson 19: Contractions; plural possessives
What is a Contraction?
Apostrophes: When to Use Them
Singular & Plural Possessives
Lesson 20: Faulty sentences
10 Examples of Bad Grammar To Avoid
Lesson 21: Five-paragraph essay
How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay
Lesson 23: Simple, compound, and complex sentences
Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
Lesson 24 & 25: Types of adverbs; homophones
Different Kinds of Adverbs
By Bye Buy
Learn the Homophones
Lesson 26: Double negatives
Double Negatives
Lesson 27: Creative writing; descriptive writing
What is Descriptive Writing?
Show, Don’t Tell
Writing with the Senses
Lesson 28: Antonyms, synonyms
What are Synonyms and Antonyms?
Lesson 30: Writing business letters
How to Write Business Letters for Kids
Lesson 31: Biography
How to Write a Biography for Kids
Elements of a Biography
100+ Beautiful Biographies Your Kids Will Love
Lesson 32: Poetry
Poems for Kids
The Kids Are All Write: How to Write a Poem
Poetry Writing for Kids
Grade 5 - US History
U.S. History
A Young People’s History of the United States
Legends of America
Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government
Liberty’s Kids: American Revolution
Lesson 1: Early Explorers, early navigation
Early Navigational Tools
The History of Navigation
PBS World Explorers
Learn About Native Americans before European Colonization
Lesson 2: Columbus
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus Biography
Lesson 3: James and Roanoke
Virginia: Roanoke and Jamestown
What Happened to the Lost Colony of Roanoke?
Lesson 4: Mayflower Compact
We are still here: Four hundred years of Wampanoag history
The Pilgrims: Mayflower Compact
How the Mayflower Compact Laid a Foundation for American Democracy
Lesson 5: Early colonies
The 13 Colonies for Kids
Mr. Zoller’s Thirteen Colonies podcast series
Lesson 6: Colonial living
Colonial American: Living conditions, jobs, religion, and more
Colonial Times (1585-1776)
Colonial Cooking
Lesson 7: Salem witch trials
Salem Witch Museum
Salem Witch Trial Facts for Kids
Lesson 8: Puritan way of life
Puritan Life
A Taste of Puritan Life
Lesson 9: Colonial trades and crafts
Crafts and Trades
Colonial Craft Tutorials
33 Colonial Activities for Kids
Lesson 10: Traditional uses of plants
Colonial Garden Plants
Colonial Kitchen Garden
Lesson 11: Spanish missions; French and Indian War
Spanish Missions
El Camino Real de los Tejas
Virtual Field Trip: San Antonio Missions
The French and Indian War Explained
Lesson 12: Colonial games and toys
Colonial Classroom: Colonial Toys and Games
Lesson 13: Taxation without representation; Boston Tea Party
Taxation without Representation
The story behind the Boston Tea Party
Tea Party – Schoolhouse Rock – No more Kings
Lesson 14: Declaration of Independence; American Revolution
The Declaration of Independence
John Adams – Writing the Declaration of Independence
Liberty’s Kids: The First Fourth of July
American Revolution Spies
African American Patriots
Lesson 15: Paul Revere; Revolution War
Paul Revere Facts for Kids
Paul Revere’s Ride (video reenactment)
Roles of Women During the Revolutionary War
Lesson 16: George Washington
George Washington Biography
Washington’s War
Liberty’s Kids: Washington Takes Command
Lesson 17: The Constitution
Teaching the Constitution
U.S. Constitution for Kids
Liberty’s Kids: We the People
Lesson 18: Experiments with electricity
16 fun electricity experiments and activities
5 awesome static electricity experiments
Lesson 19: Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin: My First Biography
Liberty’s Kids: Postmaster General Franklin
Benjamin Franklin: Inventions and Improvements
Sounds of a Glass Armonica
Lesson 20: Weather lore; Poor Richard’s Almanack
Weather Lore, The Nature Navigator
Weather Lore Articles (The Old Farmer’s Almanac
Poor Richard, 1739
Lesson 21: Thomas Jefferson; Louisiana Purchase; Lewis & Clark
Thomas Jefferson
The duality of Thomas Jefferson
Louisiana Purchase facts for kids
Lewis & Clark
Moments in Time: From the Journals of Lewis & Clark
Lesson 22: Tecumseh; War of 1812
Tecumseh: History for Kids
The Wisdom of Chief Tecumseh
The War of 1812
War of 1812 in 12 Minutes
Lesson 23: Andrew Jackson; Indian Removal Act
Andrew Jackson
Indian Removal Act
Trail of Tears (National Historic Trail)
Lesson 24: Native American leaders
American’s Great Indian Leaders (full length documentary)
Great Native American Chiefs
Native Knowledge 360
“We Still Live Here”
Abenaki Legends
Sacajawea (1788-1812)
9 Famous Native American Women in History You Need to Know
Blackfeet Indian Stories
Lesson 25 & 26: Life on the Western Frontier; Pioneer Life
Daily Life on the Frontier
What Kids Did on the Western Frontier
Westward Expansion: Log Cabin
48 Snapshots of Life in the Real Wild West
Lesson 27: Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories Facts for Kids
Northwest Territories Timeline
Lesson 28: Mexican-American War; California Gold Rush
The Mexican-American War
California Gold Rush of 1849
Gold Fever
Lesson 29: Civil War; slavery and abolitionists
Causes of the American Civil War
American Civil War Women
How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history
Slavery in America for Kids – Abolitionism (1688-1865)
The Atlantic Slave Trade: What too few textbooks told you
Life Aboard a Slave Ship
African American Folktales
Lesson 30: Underground Railroad
How the Underground Railroad Worked
Secrets and Codes of the Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman’s road to freedom
The breathtaking courage of Harriet Tubman
Frederick Douglass, the most photographed American of the 19th century
Lesson 32: State symbols
State Symbols USA
Lesson 34: Influential women in history
25 of the Most Influential Women in American History
Famous Firsts in Women’s History
Lesson 35: Cross-country trip
Map Quiz Games
Geography Quizzes
Grade 5 - Science
Study James! Interactive Math and Science Activities
Crash Course Kids: 5th Grade Science Videos
NASA Climate Kids
Science Sparks: Making Science Fun for Kids
Lesson 1: Scientific inquiry; bird beaks as tools
Scientific Theory & Evidence
Think Like a Scientist
How Beaks Are Adapted to What Birds Eat
Cornell Lab Bird Cams
Lesson 2: Scientific ways of knowing; indicator species; frogs
Learn All About the Scientific Method Steps
What are Indicator Species?
Disappearing Frogs
Lesson 3: Methods of Measurement
Measurement Mystery
Math Antics: Intro to the Metric System
Lesson 4: Magnification as a scientific tool
Animal Cells
Plant Cells
Lesson 5: Living and nonliving things
It’s Alive!
Living and Non-Living Things
Lesson 6: Food chains; food webs; diversity of ecosystems
Food Webs and Food Chains
Dead Stuff: The Secret Ingredient in our Food Chain
Food Webs and Energy Pyramids: Bedrocks of Biodiversity
Understanding Ecosystems for Kids
Lesson 7: Balance of nature
How Does Cooperation Evolve?
Competition, Predation, and Symbiosis
Lesson 8: Endangered species; animal behavior
Endangered Species
Animal Behavior
Animal Adaptation
Animal Tricksters!
Lesson 9: Protected habitats; predators and prey; the ripple effect
Animal Conservation Explained
Things Kids Can Do to Save Wildlife and Habitats
Predator vs. Prey
What If All the Spiders Disappeared?
Lesson 10: Forest and desert biomes
The Temperate Deciduous Forest Biome
Rainforest 101
Desert Biome Facts
Lesson 11: Tundra, grasslands, and ocean
What is a Grassland Biome?
Oceans 101
Exploring Our Pristine Seas
Lesson 12: Water cycle; water usage and conservation
Precipitation Education: The Water Cycle
Conserving Water at Home
“Water Cycle” by The Bazillions
Lesson 13: Astronomy early theories; movement of Earth, moon and stars
Early Astronomers: Ptolemy, Aristotle, Copernicus, and Galileo
Movements of the Sun, Moon, and Earth
Star Facts for Kids
Lesson 14: Solar system
Solar System 101
Planets for Kids
How to Make a 3D Solar System Project
Lesson 15: Pollution and earth’s resources
Fossil Fuels vs. Renewable Energy Sources
The World Counts: What is Pollution?
13 Eco-Friendly Practices to Teach Your Kids
What is Being Environmentally Friendly?
Lesson 16: Energy conservation; renewable energy; environmental friendly building
Climate Kids: What Can We Do to Help?
Renewable Energy Explained in 2.5 Minutes
The Most Eco-Friendly Home Construction Materials
Green Building
Lesson 17: Recycling; healthy food sources; Earth stewardship
Recycle City
Kids’ Super Guide to Recycling
What Happens to Your Recycling After It’s Collected?
34 Recycled Material Innovations
Lesson 19: Weather patterns
Bill Nye: Atmospheric Pressure
The History of the Barometer (and How It Works)
What is the Jet Stream?
Be a Weather Watcher
Lesson 20: Clouds and storms
Finding the Dew Point
All the Cloud Types
Why Do Clouds Stay Up?
Rain Shadow
Hurricane, Tornado, Cyclone – What’s the Difference?
Lesson 21: Characteristics of life; plant and animal cells
Characteristics of Life
Cell Structure
What Are the Parts of an Animal Cell?What Are the Parts of a Plant Cell?
Lesson 22: Classification systems
Classification of Living Things
Lesson 23: Body tissues
Types of Human Body Tissue
The Human Brain
The Brain: Amazing Body Facts for Kids
How Your Muscular System Works
Biology for Kids: Organs
Lesson 24: Body systems
Body Systems and Vital Organs
How the Body Works
The Skeletal System
The Nervous System
Pipe Cleaner Neuron Activity
Lesson 25: Body structures
Bird Anatomy
Body of a Snake
The Walrus: Physical Characteristics
Understanding the Weird Anatomy of an Octopus
Lesson 27: Physics; early theories; properties of gravity
Physics for Kids
5 Offbeat Physical Science Experiments for Beginners
What is Gravity?
Lesson 28: Energy; states of matter; heat energy; conduction, convection, and radiation
States of Matter
Heat Energy
Three Methods of Heat Transfer!
Difference Between Conduction, Convection, and Radiation
10 Condensation Examples
Convection Currents: Science Demonstration
Convection Current Demonstration
Anthony Farnell’s Weather School: Thunderstorms and Convection Lesson
Lesson 29: Expansion, contraction, and properties of water
The Uses of Expansion and Contraction of Matter in Daily Life
Properties of Water
How Does Surface Tension Work?
Lesson 30: Light energy
Life Spectrum
Disappearing Color Wheel
Understanding Reflection of Light
Understanding Absorption of Light: WhyDo We See Different Colors?
Electromagnetic Waves
Lesson 31: Sound waves
What is Sound?
Pitch & Frequency
Volume & Amplitude
Why Do We Hear Echoes?
The Speed of Sound and How Does It Travel
The Science of Hearing
Lesson 32: Electricity, magnetism
Bill Nye: Static Electricity
Circuit Basics: What’s the Difference Between AC and DC Power?
Electromagnets: How Do They Work?
Lesson 33: Air pressure
Floating Balls: Bernoulli’s Principle Visualized
What is Aerodynamics?
The Science of Airplane Flight
How Does a Place Wing Work?
Lesson 34: Technology and design
How to Teach Problem-Solving to Kids
Famous Inventions
How to Become a Young Inventor
Lesson 35: Center of gravity; friction; bending light; sonar; electricity in the body
Center of Gravity
Friction Basics
Bending Light
What is Sonar?
Grade 6
Grade 6 - English
Grammar Monster
Mind Blooming
Teaching Without Frills
Lesson 1: Sentence structure
A Complete Guide to Sentence Structure
How to Create Sentence Variety
Lesson 2: Nouns
Common and Proper Nouns
Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Collective Nouns
Lesson 3: Note-taking and citations
How to Take Good Notes
Note-Taking Strategies for Middle Schoolers
Citations for Beginners
How to Avoid Plagiarism in 5 Easy Steps
Lesson 4: The writing process
How to Use the Writing Process (in Plain English!)
Six Traits of Narrative Writing
Lesson 5: Capitalization
Capitalization Rules
Lesson 6: Direct and indirect quotations
Using Speech Marks
Lesson 7: Poetry
Poetry Writing Lessons for Kids
Lesson 8: Report writing
Informational Writing for Kids
Lesson 9: Short-story writing
Journal Buddies
Parts of a Story
Plot Mountain! The Plot Diagram Song
Lesson 10: Clauses and conjunctions
What is a Conjunction?
What are Adverb Clauses?
The Simple Summary
Lesson 11: Expository essay
Expository Writing: Writing to Explain
Narrative vs. Expository
Lesson 12: Descriptive writing
Descriptive Language
Improve Your Writing: Show, Don’t Tell
Lesson 13: Organizing information
Describing Characters
Character Traits and Character Development
Lesson 14: Commonly misused words; first-person point of view
Top 30 Commonly Confused Words in English
Understanding Point of View
Lesson 15: Comparative essay
Compare and Contrast
Lesson 16: Punctuation
Learn All About the Different Punctuation Marks and What They Do
First, Second, and Third Person
Lesson 19: Opinion essay
Opinion Writing for Kids
Lesson 20: Persuasive essay
Writing a Persuasive Piece
Persuasive Devices
Lesson 21: Sentence building
Building Sentences
Subordinating Conjunctions
Lesson 22: Supporting details
Main Idea and Details
Lesson 25: Prepositional phrases
Prepositional Phrases
Lesson 27: Homophones
Learn the Homophones
Lesson 29: Writing dialogue
How To Write Dialogue
Rules for Punctuating Dialogue
How to Write a Play
Virtual Adventures in Playwriting
“Much Ado About Nothing: Act 2, Scene 3 | Shakespeare’s Globe”
“Much Ado About Nothing – Hilarious Benedick Scene (Alexis Denisof and Amy Acker)”
“In This Scene . . . ‘As You Like It’”
Lesson 32: Prefixes, suffixes, and parts of speech
Subjects and Predicates
The Parts of Speech
Lesson 33: Writing a book review
How to Write a Book Review: 6 Steps
Grade 6 - Ancient Civilizations
Ancient Civilizations
History for Kids
Animated map shows how religion spread around the world
Medieval Life and Times
8 Trade Routes That Shaped World History
History: DK Find Out!
Lesson 1: The Stone Age
Stone Age Facts for Children and Teachers
Cave Art 101
Explore Cave Paintings in this 360 degree animated cave
Lesson 2: Ancient Mesopotamia
Ancient Mesopotamia
The History of Writing: Where the Story Begins
Hammurabi’s Code
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Top 11 Most Important Events in Ancient Babylonia
Lesson 3 & 4: Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt
The Egyptian Book of the Dead: A Guidebook for the Underworld
The Mummification Process
Hapshepsut: The Woman Who Was King 1479-1457 BC
A Brief History of Time Measurement
Lesson 5: Ancient Israelites
Ancient Israelites
Moses and the Exodus
Lesson 6: Hebrew history
What is Judaism?
Lesson 7: Ancient Persia
The Persian Empire
How Powerful Was the Persian Empire?
The Cyrus Cylinder: An Artifact Ahead of Its Time
Darius I and the Greatest Lie in History
A Brief Overview of Zoroastrianism
Lesson 8: Ancient India
Wondrous Ancient Asia
Ancient Indian Daily Life
Buddhism – The Eightfold Path
Music of India: An Exploration of Indian Music
Kids History India Caste System
The Untouchable Kids of India
Lesson 9: Ancient China
Ancient China for Kids (All You Need To Know!)
All China’s Dynasties Explained in 7 Minutes
Day in the Life of a Chinese Emperor
6 Most Feared Female Warriors in Chinese History
Chinese Fashion Through Dynasties
Chinese Hairstyles Through the Dynasties
The Silk Road: Connecting the Ancient World Through Trade
Lesson 10: Chinese philosophy, inventions
Who Was Confucius?
Eastern Philosophy: Lao Tzu
Ancient China for Kids: Inventions and Technology
The Myth Behind the Chinese Zodiac
The Incredible History of China’s Terracotta Warriors
Lesson 11: Ancient Africa
Ancient Africa for Kids
African Stories: Fables, Myths, Folktales from Africa
Top 13 Most Powerful Queens in Ancient Africa
Five (ish) Minute Drum Lesson
How Is It Made? The Making of African Masks
Lesson 12: Ancient Crete
Crete in Ancient Times
Minoans and Mycenaeans
The Palace of Knossos
Theseus and the Minotaur
Lesson 13: Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece Facts for Kids (All You Need To Know!)
The Rise of Democracy in Greece
Greek Art and Architecture Facts for Kids
Wonders of the World
Did Ancient Troy Really Exist?
Lesson 14: Ancient Greek Civilization
From Slave to Rebel Gladiator: The Life of Spartacus
Alexander the Great
Music and Creativity in Ancient Greece
The Ancient Origins of the Olympics
Lesson 15: Ancient Rome
The Roman Republic
Justinian’s Code
Hannibal: Across the Alps on War Elephants
Roman Military Technology and Tactics
Lesson 16: The Roman Empire
Ancient Roman Gods and Myths
The Lost City of Pompeii
A Tour Through Ancient Rome
How They Did It: Pet Dogs in Ancient Rome
Construct an Aqueduct
Why Did the Roman Empire Fall?
Lesson 17: Christianity
Early Christianity
Animated Map Shows How Christianity Spread Around the World
Lesson 18: Islam
History of Early Islamic World for Kids
Life of Muhammad and the Beginnings of Islam
Islam: Five Pillars, Nation of Islam & Definition
Spread of Islam
Lesson 19: Celtic and Germanic Tribes
Germanic Tribes
15 Ancient Celtic Gods and Goddesses You Should Know About
A Day in the Life of a Celtic Druid
The Rise and Fall of Celtic Warriors
How to Draw Celtic Patterns
Lesson 20: Middle Ages
The Middle Ages in 3.5 Minutes
How Dark Were the Dark Ages?
Interactive Viking Exploration Map
Medieval Art and Architecture
Lesson 21: Knights and Nobles of the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages: A Comprehensive Overview of Europe 500-1500
The Feudal System and the Domesday Book
The Knight
Medieval Castle Layout
The Norman Conquest Explained in 10 Minutes
Lesson 22: England and France in the Middle Ages
What is Magna Carta?
The Knight with the Lion
Manorial System, Commoners, Peasants
Soap and Washing: Did They Have Soap in Medieval Times?
Women in the Middle Ages
Biography: Joan of Arc
Lesson 23: The Changing Society of the Middle Ages
Guilds, Wool, and Trade: Medieval England in a Global Economy
Education in the Middle Ages
Middle Ages: Entertainment and Games
Trade and Economics in the Middle Ages
A Brief History of Women’s Work in the Middle Ages
Lesson 24: The Crusades of the Middle Ages
The Religious Relationship Between Byzantium and the West
The Crusades in 5 Minutes
Extra History: Genghis Kahn
Podcast: The Story of the Middle Ages
Lesson 25: Renaissance
Renaissance Interactive
Renaissance Table Etiquette and the Origins of Manners
Johannes Gutenberg and the Printing Press
Lesson 26: Arts and Artists of the Renaissance
Renaissance Architecture and Buildings
Patrons & Artists in Renaissance Italy
The Medici: Portraits and Politics
Lesson 27: Artistic Innovations of the Renaissance
Renaissance Art for Kids
Painting Techniques of the Renaissance
Williams Shakespeare Facts for Kids
Lesson 28: Innovative Ideas of the Renaissance
Renaissance Humanism
The Renaissance Writers Who Shaped the Modern World
Scientific Revolution
Lesson 29: The Reformation
A Fun, Animated History of the Man Who Started It All
How the Reformation Shaped Your World
Lesson 30: Mayan Civilization
History of the Mayan Civilization and Ancient Capital City Tikal
Mayan Facts for Kids
Maya Math Game
Why Did the Maya Civilization Collapse
Mayan Family Life
10 Mayan Secret Places That Were Hidden for Centuries
Lesson 31: First Peoples of North America
Native American History for Kids
Native American Societies Before Contact
Mound Builders: Mississippian Culture and Houses
Anasazi Puebloans
Native American Culture Centers
Native People of the Arctic and Subarctic
Canada’s First Peoples: The Inuit
A Very Short History of the Coast Salish People
One With the Whale
Lesson 32: Aztec Civilization
The Aztec Empire: Society, Politics, Religion, and Agriculture
Aztec Empire
Aztec Gods and Their Symbols
What Everyday Life Was Like For the Aztecs
A Portrait of Tenochtitlan
Lesson 33: Empire of the Incas
The Rise and Fall of the Inca Empire
Incas for Kids
Inca Social Hierarchy
Illustrated: How To Build a Polygonal Megalithic Wall
Lesson 34: Early Explorers
Navigation of the American Explorers 15th to 17th Centuries
How Did Early Sailors Navigate the Oceans?
The Age of Exploration
The Atlantic Slave Trade: What Too Few Textbooks Told You
Why Did Europeans Enslave Africans?
How Magellan Circumnavigated the Globe
Francis Drake Sales Around the World
Lesson 35: Around the World
The International Date Line, Explained
What Are Ocean Currents and How Do They Work?
Grade 6 - Science
Nature Conservancy: Youth Education Resources for Grades 6-8
Smithsonian Science Education Center
The Great Plant Escape
Science Scrapbook
Odyssey Earth
KidsHealth: How the Body Works
TED-Ed: Awesome Nature
Lesson 1: Science and the scientific method
Steps of the Scientific Method in 3 Minutes
You Are Already a Scientist — No Matter Who You Are
Fact vs. Theory vs. Hypothesis vs. Law…Explained!
Lesson 2: The environment
What is Climate Change?
How To Talk To Kids About Climate Change
Lesson 3: Biology
Biology for Kids
All of Biology in 9 Minutes
Map of Biology
Lesson 4: Cells
The Wacky History of Cell Theory
Introduction to Cells: The Grand Cell Tour
The Parts of the Cell Song
What Are the Levels of Organization in the Body?
Lesson 5: Green plants & the seedling
How Does a Seed Become a Plant?
Great Plant Escape: Plant Parts
5 of the World’s Most Bizarre Seeds
Travel Deep Inside a Leaf
Lesson 7: Soil and nutrients
Healthy Soils Build Healthy Ecosystems
Why is Composting Good for the Environment?
How to Do Your Own Soil Experiment
The World of Soil (Berlese Funnel Experiment)
Lesson 8: Stems and transportation
Roots and Stems
Learn All About Leaves: Discover the Surprises Hidden in Ordinary Leaves
The Color-Changing Celery Experiment
Find the Hidden Colors of Autumn Leaves
“Xylem and Phloem” by Peter Weatherall
Lesson 9: Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis, Explained
Photosynthesis: Learn How Plants Make Their Own Food
Lesson 10: Flowers and plant reproduction
Look Inside a Flower!
The Life Cycle of Flowering Plants
Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination
Lesson 11: How plants sense and respond
The Science Behind Why Plants Grow Up and Roots Grow Down
Phototropism, Explained
Lesson 12: Cell division
What is Reproduction in Plants?
Biology for Kids: Cell Division and Cycle
Mitosis: The Amazing Cell Process That Uses Division to Multiply!
Mitosis vs. Meiosis: Side by Side Comparison
Lesson 13: Groups of living things
Classification of Living Things
Scientific Studies: Taxonomy
Lesson 14: Other types of living organisms
The Kingdoms of Life
What is a Protist?
Fungi: Why Mushrooms Are Awesome
Fungi Timelapse Photography by Planet Earth II’s Steve Axford
What are Bacteria?
How a Virus Works
Lesson 15: The plant kingdom
Plants That Make Spores: Mosses, Ferns, Liverworts, and Horsetails
Why Lichen and Moss Are Amazing
Angiosperms: Seeds in Fruit
Gymnosperms: Seeds in Cones
Lesson 16: The animal kingdom
Animal Classification
Animal Kingdom
Lesson 17: Simple animals
Phyla of Simple Animals
Jellyfish and Comb Jellies: Cnidarians and Ctenophora
How Does a Jellyfish Sting?
Coral Reefs and Corals
Worms Are Wonderful
Mollusks: The Survival Game
Lesson 18: More animal phyla
Chordate: Vertebrate Body Plan
Phylum Chordata: Which Animals Belong?
Lesson 19: Vertebrates
Difference Between Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Fish or Not Fish: Is That Aquatic Animal a Fish?
All About Amphibians
Amazing Snakes!
All About Mammals
Lesson 20: Animal life cycles
Animal Life Cycles
Heredity: Who Are You?
Genetics 101
Metamorphosis: The Great Transformation
Lesson 21: Animal behavior
Intro to Animal Behavior
Inherited Trait vs. Learned Behavior
Carnivores, Herbivores, and Omnivores
Animal Adaptations for Kids
Lesson 22: Food chains
Food Chains
Dead Stuff: The Secret Ingredient in our Food Chain
How to Eat Lower on the Food Chain
Lesson 23: Ecology and the environment
The Wild Report Ecology Series
Biomes of the World for Children
5 Ecosystems Thriving in the Least Likely Places
Why Does Biodiversity Matter to Me?
Habitat vs. Niche: Definition, 14 Major Differences, Examples
Lesson 24: Populations
Population, Community, Ecosystem
Types of Communities
Lesson 25: The balance of nature
Human Impacts on Biodiversity
Can Wildlife Adapt to Climate Change?
What is the Sixth Mass Extinction?
Endangered Animals: How They Become Extinct
How To Save Endangered Animals
Are Endangered Animals Worth Saving?
Should Zoos Exist?
Lesson 26: Human life
You Are What Your Eat!
Nutrition Fact Labels – How To Read
Fruits and Vegetables: Enzymic Browning
How Do Vitamins Work?
Lesson 27: Proteins
What are Proteins?
15 Best Plant-Based Protein Foods
Dietary Fiber and Poop
Lesson 28: The digestive system
How Your Digestive System Works
Why Do We Have Saliva?
Your Urinary System (For Kids)
How Do Your Kidneys Work?
Lesson 29: The respiratory system
Science for Kids: Breathing and the Respiratory System
Travel Through the Respiratory System
How Many Breaths Do You Take Each Day?
Why Can It Be Hard to Breathe After a Fall?
Lesson 30: The circulatory system
All About Blood
How Does Blood Travel Through Your Body?
Is Your Heart Shaped Like a Heart?
Lesson 31: The lymphatic and endocrine systems
The Lymphatic System
Your Endocrine System (for Kids)
How Do Your Hormones Work?
What Are Microbes: Human Body Defense System
Lesson 32: The skeletal system
Your Super Skeleton!
The Musculoskeletal System
Why Do Our Joints Pop?
Lesson 33: The muscular systems
How Your Muscular System Works
Three Types of Muscles
Lesson 34: The nervous system
Use Your Brain!
A Journey Through Your Nervous System
Lesson 35: The senses
Five Senses
You Have More Than Five Senses
How Your Eyes Make Sense of the World
Hearing: How Your Ears Work
Sense of Smell
Your Tongue: The Taste Maker
Sense of Touch
Grade 7
Grade 7 - English
A Single Shard
Linda Sue Park website
Korean celadon pottery
Catherine Called Birdy
References for medieval times
websites related to Catherine, Called Birdy
Esperanza Rising
Pan Muñoz Ryan website
Counting on Grace
Elizabeth Winthrop website
Lewis Hine’s photographs of child labor in the U.S.
Aleutian Sparrow
Karen Hesse blog
Aleut tribe
Out of the Dust
Karen Hesse blog
Dorothea Lange Photos
Dust Bowl
The Code Talkers
Boarding schools
Code talkers
Joseph Bruchac
Brown Girl Dreaming
Jacqueline Woodson website
Grade 7 - Science
Types of Essays
Lesson 1: Observation and Measurement
Scientific Argument
Video: Mass, Volume, and Density
Lesson 2: Scientific Method
Video: Controlled Experiments
Video: Correlation and Causality
Lesson 5: Perspective
Earth’s hemispheres
Map projections video: Why All World Maps Are Wrong
Lesson 6: Earth’s Movement
Video: Why Do We Have Different Seasons?
Lesson 7: Earth’s Moon
Video: Phases of the Moon
Video: Moon Phases Demonstration
Video: Does the Moon Really Control the Tides?
Lesson 8: Solar System
Video: The Difference Between Flares and CMEs (coronal mass ejections)
What is a Solar Prominence?
Planet Facts
The Inner and Outer Planets in Our Solar System
Annual Meteor Showers
Video: How Big is the Solar System?
Short Film: To Scale: The Solar System
Video: Kepler’s First Law of Motion: Elliptical Orbits
Lesson 9: Astronomy
Star Types
Video: Types of Stars by Size, Color, and Life Cycle
Life Cycle of a Star
Video: What Is a Pulsar?
Video: Most Powerful Quasar Discovered
Constellation Guide
Video: The Most Astounding Fact—Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Lesson 12: Earth’s Structure
Video: Earth’s Interior Isn’t Quite What We Thought It Was
Rocks, Minerals, and Elements
Minerals in Your House
Rocks: Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary
Video: Three Types of Rock and the Rock Cycle
Lesson 13: Weathering and Fossilization
Video: What Is a Fossil?
Video: How Does Radiocarbon Dating Work?
Video: Bill Nye Explains Half Life
Geologic Age Dating Explained
Geologic Time Periods
Lesson 14: Erosion
Soil Layers
Four Layers of Soil
Video: Weathering and Erosion
Video: Why Do Rivers Curve?
Video: Why Do Rivers Have Deltas?
Video: How Glaciers Form and Erode to Create Landforms
Video: Erosion: A Natural Phenomenon
Lesson 15: Plate Tectonics
Video: Earthquake 101
Earthquake Safety Tips
Video: Liquefaction Demonstrated
Vide: Tectonic Plate Boundaries
Video: Plate Tectonics Explained
Video: Plate Tectonics
Convergent Plate Boundaries
Lesson 16: Mountains
Video: What Is a Mountain?
Video: Why is Mt. Everest So Tall?
How are Mountains Made?
How Do We Tell If a Volcano Is Active, Dormant, or Extinct?
What Are the Different Types of Volcanoes?
Pictures of Igneous Rocks
Video: What Is a Volcano?
Types of Volcanic Eruptions
Lesson 19: Atmosphere
Layers in Earth’s Atmosphere-NASA
Layers of Earth’s Atmosphere-UCAR
Video: 5 Earth Atmosphere Layers
Video: Reveal Earth’s Atmosphere
Viewing Earth’s Limb
Video: Why Is There Air?
Video: The Carbon and Oxygen Cycles
Video: What Is Carbon Dioxide?
River Runner Map Visualization
Lesson 20: Climate
Video: A History of Earth’s Climate Change
How Do Scientists Study Ancient Climates?
Video: Climate Science: What You Need to Know
Video: What’s the Deal with Carbon?
Climate Change: How Do We Know?
Facts on Animal Farming and the Environment
Realistic Ways You Can Combat Climate Change Today
Lesson 21: Water Cycle
The Water Cycle
Video: The Water Cycle
Lesson 22: Clouds
Video: Relative Humidity vs. Dew Point
Video: Good Question: What Is the Dew Point?
Lesson 23: Winds and Atmospheric Pressure
Video: Bill Nye the Science Guy on Wind
Video: What Is Wind?
Video: Hot and Cold Water Science Experiment (imagine this happening to air—high pressure and low pressure systems—instead of water)
Video: Crush a Bottle with Air
Video: How to Make a Weather Barometer
Lesson 24: Meteorology
Tools Used in Meteorology
Video: Cold Fronts and Warm Fronts
What Is a Jet Stream?
National Forecast Maps
How to Read a Weather Map
Lesson 25: Extreme Weather
What Causes Lightning?
Lightning Safety
What Is a Water Spout?
Video: Hurricane Vs. Cyclone Vs. Typhoon
Lesson 28: Earth’s Resources
Non-Renewable Energy
Video: Renewable Energy 101
Video: The Story of Energy: Where Does Our Power Come From?
Video: Energy, Let’s Save It!
Population and Energy Consumption
Lesson 29: Water Sources
How Much Water Is There, On, In, and Above the Earth?
What Is a Wetland?
What Is Groundwater?
Video: Our Thirsty World
Video: Why Care About Water?
Lesson 30: Earth’s Oceans
The Census of Marine Life
Video: Biodiversity: Protecting Marine Life
Video: The Gulf Stream Explained
Lesson 31: Human Population Growth
U.S. and World Population Clock
World Population Interactive Map (use the slider at the bottom to see population increases over time)
Video: Human Population Through Time
Lesson 32: Human Impact on the Environment
Water Pollution
Marine Pollution
What Is Air Pollution?
Video: What YOU Can Do About Climate Change
Interactive quiz: How Much Do You Know About Solving Global Warming?
Lesson 33: The Living Earth
Video: Why Is Biodiversity So Important?
Article and video: Teen Activist Fights for the Earth
Grade 7 - World History
World History
Primary Source Materials at the Library of Congress
World Map (Interactive)
Most Reliable and Credible Sources for Students
Tracking Your Travels: Landmarks Around the World
Unit I: Age of Empires
Lesson 1: African Empires
Geography and Landforms of Africa
Oldest Homo Sapiens fossil Claim Rewrites Our Species’ History
Oldest Known Human Fossil Outside Africa Discovered in Israel
7 Influential African Empires
Historical Context: Facts About the Slave Trade and Slavery
Berlin Conference of 1884-1885
Africa is Way Bigger Than You Think
Lesson 2: The Dynasties of Asia
Ancient China
The History of China—Over 3,000 Years of Civilization
Silk Road
Video: The Silk Road and Ancient Trade
Japanese History
Lesson 3: The Early Empires of India
Video: The Rise and Fall of the Assyrian Empire
Persian Empire
Ancient India
Maps of the Middle East
Lesson 4: Islamic World
Mughal Dynasty
Video: The Mughal Empire and Historical Reputation
Ottoman Empire
Video: The Rise of the Ottoman Empire
Video: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire
Unit II: Renaissance and Enlightenment
Lesson 7: Renaissance, Reformation, and the Age of Enlightenment
Medieval Life: Feudalism and the Feudal System
Renaissance Art
Ultimate Renaissance Man: 5 Fascinating Facts About Leonardo da Vinci
Video: A Fun, Animated History of the Reformation and the Man Who Started It All
What Was the Enlightenment?
Luther and the Protestant Reformation
Lesson 8: Arts and Culture in the Age of Enlightenment
Music History: A Guide to Western Composers and their Music
Exploring the Extravagance and Drama or Baroque Art and Architecture
A Beginner’s Guide to Impressionism
A Brief History of Opera
Lesson 9: The Age of Monarchs
The World of the Hapsburgs
House of Tudor Family Tree
Fascinating Facts about King Louis XIV
Lesson 10: The Age of Exploration
A Brief History of the Age of Exploration
The Age of Exploration: Life on the Open Seas
Video: How Did Early Sailors Navigate the Oceans?
Video: The Rise and Fall of the Inca Empire
Video: Tenochtitlan
Video: Tenochtitlan (The Impossible City)
Native North Americans: What Was Early Contact Like Between Europeans and Natives? (primary source material)
Brazilian Indians
Video: The Columbian Exchange
Unit III: Revolution and Independence
Lesson 12: Revolutionary Spirit
French and Indian War/Seven Years’ War
American Revolutionary War
Video: What Caused the French Revolution?
French Revolution
Declaration of the Rights of Man, 1789
Napoleon Bonaparte
Lesson 13: The Rise and Fall of Colonialism
Video: Latin American Independence Movements
Latin American Revolutions
Colonialism and the “Scramble for Africa”
Imperialism and the Conquest and Colonization of Africa by Europeans
Lesson 14: Slavery Trade
The Triangular Trade
The Slave Trade: A Historical Background
The Transatlantic Slave Trade
Slavery in America
Lesson 15: The Abolition Movement and the U.S. Civil War
David Walker
Sojourner Truth: Civil Rights Activist
Frederick Douglass
Harriet Tubman
The Underground Railroad
Reconstruction of the South
The Civil War and Emancipation
Lesson 16: Radical Change in the Americas (1861–1924)
Early History of Canada
Louisiana Purchase
What Was the Klondike Gold Rush?
Video: How Did the Westward Expansion Affect the Native Americans?
Indian Removal 1814–1858
Indian Treaties and the Removal Act of 1830
The Mexican Revolution
Mexico Timeline
Unit IV: Worldwide Change
Lesson 19: The Industrial Revolution
The Rise of the Machines: Pros and Cons of the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
Video: The Industrial Revolution
Lesson 20: Innovations in Transportation and Communication
The Biography of Thomas Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Video: Edison and Competition
The Transcontinental Railroad: It’s All About Steam
Video: Animation of How a Steam Locomotive’s Boiler Works
Building the First Continental Railroad
Inventing a Flying Machine
Lesson 21: Nationalism and Imperialism
The British Empire (map)
How Many People Died in WWI? A look at the Numbers
World War One: Causes
The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Women in World War I
Lesson 22: Worldwide Economic Depression
Video: The Revolution that Shaped Russia
Video: The Russian Revolution 1917
What Happened in the 1920s?
The Great Depression
Video: The Great Depression
Video: The Dust Bowl
Lesson 23: Colonialism in Modern Times
The East India Company and Its Role in Ruling India
Mahatma Gandhi
The Khoikhoi
Boer War in South Africa
Unit V: Global Conflict and Resolution
Lesson 26: Fascism, Communism, and Dictators
Joseph Stalin
Benito Mussolini
Francisco Franco
Adolf Hitler
What Was the Holocaust?
The Holocaust
Lesson 27: The Second World War
World War II
World War II: Asiatic-Pacific Theater Campaigns
Allies and Axis: Who’s Who in WWII?
Women in World War II
Women of World War II
Code Talking
Films – WWII Veterans History Project
Lesson 28: Conflicts in Korea and Vietnam (1950–1975)
Korean War Fast Facts
Video: Why Korea Split into North and South Korea
A Short Guide to the Vietnam War
Video: Vietnam War Protests
Vietnam War Protests
Kent State Shootings
Lesson 29: Civil Rights Leaders (1954–1968)
Civil Rights Movement
Brown v. Board: Timeline of School Integration in the U.S.
Video: 60 Years On: A Look Back at the Little Rock Nine
The Woolworth Sit-In that Launched a Movement
The Story of Cesar Chavez
Biography of Nelson Mandela
Racism Has a Long History We All Must Understand
Lesson 30: The Cold War (1947–1991)
Cold War History
Cold War Propaganda
Cuban Missile Crisis
What Was the Eastern Bloc?
Video: What Was the Iron Curtain?
Berlin Wall
John F. Kennedy Commencement Address, American University
Unit VI: Modern Developments
Lesson 33: The Middle East in Modern Times
Video: The Middle East’s Cold War Explained
History of the Middle East
Background: Middle East
Middle East Geography
Why Are Israel and the Palestinians Fighting over Gaza?
Arab Spring
Lesson 34: Globalization
Video: Globalization Explained
Video: What Are the World’s Biggest Superpowers?
Video: Globalization I: The Upside
Who are the Most Technologically-Advanced Countries in Africa?
Where Does Your T-shirt Come From?
Lesson 35: Remarkable Advancements of the Modern Era
Video: Information Age
Video: Thin Underwater Cables Hold the Internet
Video: How to Sequence the Human Genome
International Space Station
NASA: Current Missions
Grade 8
Grade 8 - English
What are Values?
Infographic Samples and Information
Baseball in April and Other Stories
Discussion Guide
Author website: Gary Soto
Author biography from Poetry Foundation
A Wrinkle in Time
Smithsonian Magazine article: The Remarkable Influence of A Wrinkle in Time
Author website: Madeleine L’Engle
Author biography
The Giver
Author biography
NPR article: Lois Lowry Says The Giver Was Inspired by Her Father’s Memory Loss
Poetry Foundation
Carl Sagen Pale Blue Dot Speech
video interview with Pamela Muñoz Ryan
playlist of the songs mentioned in the story
Lesson 19/20
Amanda Gorman: Our Purpose in Poetry: or, Earthrise
Ofelia Zepeda: Carrying Our Words
Li-Young Lee: I Ask My Mother to Sing
“Carl Sagen Pale Blue Dot Speech”
Lesson 35/36
Amanda Gorman: The Miracle of Morning (listen with the video)
Edward Albert Guest: See It Through
Joy Harjo: Perhaps the World Ends Here
Joseph O. Legaspi: The Red Sweater
Grade 8 - Civics
Primary Source Materials at the Library of Congress
PBS News Hour Extra
Contact Information for Government Offices (U.S.)
Civics 101 Podcasts from NPR
A Beginner’s Guide to Graphing Data
Learning Line Graphs
Graphing Data by Hand
How to Make Great Charts for Infographics
How to Make an Infographic
Appropriate Language
Landmark Supreme Court Cases
Supreme Court Landmarks
Glossary of Legal Terms
10 Supreme Court Cases Every Teen Should Know
Lesson 1: Values of Citizenship
Daily Good: News That Inspires
YES! Magazine
Good News Network
Lesson 2: Community Leaders
United Nations
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Biographies of Champions of Freedom
Lesson 3: Independence and Interdependence
Career Planning
State Minimum Wages
How Are Federal Taxes Spend?
Job Corps
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
Lesson 4: Decision Making
5 Golden Rules of Goal Setting
Set Your Goals and Make Them Happen
Decision Making
Lesson 7: Immigration and Citizenship
Illegal, Undocumented, Unauthorized: The Terms of Immigration Reporting
Illegal Immigrants Vs. Undocumented Immigrants
10 Steps to Naturalization: Understanding the Process of Becoming a U.S. Citizen
Lesson 8: Making Connections
Good Communication Skills for Teens
Anger Management: 10 Tips to Tame Your Temper
Lesson 9: Disability Awareness
Different Types of Disabilities
Mental Health Conditions
Types of Learning Disabilities
Americans with Disabilities Act
Don’t Laugh at Me lyrics and video
Appropriate Language
Lesson 10: Public Health
Healthy Living Tips for Teenagers
Take Charge of Your Health: A Guide for Teenagers
Young People Share Their Thoughts on Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health Videoscribe
Make Exercise a Daily Habit—10 Tips
Lesson 11/12: Landmark Cases and Civic Debate
Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985)
Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)
Lesson 13: Government of the People, By the People, For the People
What Are the Different Types of Governments?
Democracy: A Short Introduction
Representative Democracy
Lesson 14: The Political Heritage of the United States of America
Mayflower and Mayflower Compact
Mayflower Compact
The Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
Lesson 15: The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights
America’s Founding Documents
The Constitution of the United States
The Bill of Rights
The Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights and All Amendments
Lesson 16: Freedom in Many Forms
Freedom of Religion: Crash Course Government and Politics
Lesson 19: Voting Rights and Responsibilities
Voting Rights Amendments
The Fight for the Right to Vote in the United States
Voting Rights for Native Americans
Seneca Falls Convention
Register to Vote
Lesson 20: Political Parties
Does Your Vote Count? Electoral College Explained
Why the Electoral College?
Population vs. Electoral Votes
Distribution of Electoral Votes
U.S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions
How Many Representatives Per State
Lesson 21: Check and Balances
The Cabinet
Executive Departments
The Elastic Clause Explained in 3 Minutes
Legal System Basics
Bills and Resolutions
The City of U.S. – A Virtual Field Trip to Washington D.C.
Lesson 22: State and Local Governments
Official Names of State Legislatures (click on Upper and Lower House for individual states to see more information)
Population Represented by State Legislators
Gerrymandering: How Drawing Jagged Lines Can Impact an Election
Lesson 25: Freedom of Information
American Library Association (ALA)
Banned Books that Shaped America
Censored and Banned Books: From John Steinbeck to Dr. Seuss
Banning Books in the 21st Century
History of the Internet
What Is the World Wide Web?
Don’t Go Changing: Net Neutrality!
What Is Net Neutrality and How Could It Affect You?
Difference Between Fact and Opinion
Lesson 26: The Influence of Advertising
The Secret Science of Advertising
The Story of Bottled Water
The Story of Solutions
Lesson 27
The Power of Propaganda
How to Tell Fake News from Real News
How to Spot Fake News
Society of Professional Journalist Code of Ethics
Lesson 28
Positive News
Daily Good: News that Inspires
15 Uplifting Sites Focused on Positive Stories and Ideas for Good
21 Day Gratitude Challenge
Random Acts of Kindness
Lesson 31: Community Service
Peace Corps
10 Good Places to Volunteer
Lesson 32: Earth Stewardship
The 5 Cs of Community Planning
America’s Public Lands Explained
How Much Land Does the Federal Government Own—and Why?
What Is Zero Waste?
Lesson 33/34/35: Call to Community Action
How to Create Successful Community Service Projects
Lesson 36: Learning Reflection
Civics Questions for the the United States Naturalization Test
Grade 8 - Physical Science
Physical Science
Types of Essays
Lesson 1: Measurements and Quantitative Data
Scientific Argument
Lesson 2: Controlled Experiments and the Scientific Method
Video: Controlled Experiments
Video: Correlation and Causality
Lesson 3: Matter and Elements
Matter: Definition and the Five States of Matter
Video: Atoms and Molecules
Explanation of Atoms and Elements
Video: What Is an Atom?
Video: The New Periodic Table Song
Video: Alkali Metals in Water
Dynamic Periodic Table
Video: Atomic Weight and Mass
Number of Protons, Electrons, and Neutrons in an Atom
Elemental Math Game
How Many Atoms Fit in Each Shell Around an Atom?
How to Draw an Element
Lesson 5: Mixtures, Compounds, and Solutions
Video: Mixtures and Solutions
Lesson 6: Solutions and Suspensions
Video: Mixtures, Solutions, and Suspensions
Video: How Do We Separate the Seemingly Inseparable?
Lesson 7: Temperature and Pressure
Video: Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection, Radiation
Types of Insulation
Insulation Effectiveness and Environmental Issues
Recommended Home Insulation R-Values
How Is Heat Transferred?
Video: Heat Transfer—Conduction
Video: Heat Transfer—Convection
Discover How Fish Survive Winter in Frozen Lakes
Lesson 8: Force and Motion
Types of Forces
Video: What Forces Are Acting on You?
Video: Resultant Forces
Lesson 9: Mass, Weight, and Gravity
Video: Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation (Part 1)
Video: Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation (Part 2)
Video: Gravity
What is Microgravity?
Lesson 10: First Law of Motion
Video: Newton’s First Law of Motion
Video: Friction (Bill Nye clip)
Video: A World Without Friction
Video: Tablecloth Trick (Inertia)
Lesson 11: Second and Third Laws of Motion
What Is Acceleration?
Video: Newton’s Three Laws with a Bicycle
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Video: Newton’s Laws of Motion (3): Action and Reaction
Lesson 13: Types of Energy
Forms of Energy: Potential and Kinetic
Video: High Road, Low Road Race Track (Potential and Kinetic Energy)
Video: Jumping Frogs: An Experiment in Potential and Kinetic Energy
Video: Potential, Kinetic, and Mechanical Energy
Lesson 14: Thermodynamics and Conservation of Energy
The Principle of Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Mechanical Energy
Video: Conservation of Energy: Free Fall, Springs, and Pendulums
Lesson 15: Work and Power
All Work and No Play
Video: How Does Work…Work?
Lesson 16: Harnessing Energy
Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
Nonrenewable Energy
Learning About Renewable Energy
International Space Station Power System: Solar Arrays
Lesson 17/18: Scientific Inquiry
Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Lesson 19: Properties of Waves
Types of Waves
Categories of Waves
Video: Types of Waves
Video: Traveling Waves
Video: The Physics of Surfing
Lesson 20: Sound Waves and Acoustics
Video: How the Ear Works
Sound Is a Pressure Wave
Video: Sound—Transmission of Sound
Video: Properties of Sound Waves
Video: How Sound Travels Through Different Media
Video: What Is Tone Color? (Timbre)
Lesson 21: Light Energy and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Video: The Science of Light and Color
Video: What Is Light?
CD and DVD players
Lesson 22: Properties of Light Waves
Video: Light Absorption, Reflection, and Transmission
Video: The Science of Rainbows
Video: How Rainbows Form
Dispersion of Light by Prisms
Video: What Determines the Skies Colors at Sunset and Sunrise?
What Determines Sky’s Colors at Sunrise and Sunset?
Video: Why is the Sky Blue and Not Violet?
Video: Heat Transfer—Thermal Radiation
Lesson 23: Sight and Lenses
Video: Introduction to Lenses (Convex and Concave)
Video: How Do Lenses Work?
Video: Convex and Concave Lens
The Concept of Magnification
Studies Show We Quickly Adjust to Seeing Everything Upside-Down
Lesson 24: Scientific Inquiry
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Radio Waves
Lesson 25: Electricity
Video: Electric Charge
Video: Positive and Negative Charge
Charge Interactions
What is Electricity?
Video: Explaining an Electrical Circuit
Top Ten Rules for Electrical Safety
Kids: Take Charge of Your Electrical Safety
Boating Lightning Protection
Lesson 26: Batteries and Circuits
How Do Batteries Work?
Video: Explaining an Electrical Circuit
Video: Series and Parallel Circuits
Lesson 27: Measuring and Controlling Electricity
Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Ohm’s Law
What is Electricity?
Two Types of Connections
Lesson 28: Home Electricity
Video: Resistors in Series Vs. Resistors in Parallel
Series and Parallel Circuits
How to Read Your Electric and Gas Meters
Lesson 29: Magnetism
Video: The Science Behind Magnets: How Do They Work?
Video: Bill Nye Magnetism
How Magnets Work
What Causes Earth’s Magnetic Field?
Magnetic North Pole Vs. Geographic North Pole
Magnetic Pole Reversal Happens All the (Geologic) Time
Video: How to Use a Compass
Lesson 30: Electromagnetism
Video: Electromagnetism: Magnetic Force
Video: Magnetic Field of a Wire
Electric Motors and Generators
Video: What is AC and DC?
Explain That Stuff: Electric Motors
Video: The First Telephone
Lesson 31: Mechanical Advantage
Levers: Simple Machines
Types of Levers
Video: The Mighty Mathematics of the Lever
Video: What Is a Wedge?
Lesson 32: Wheels, Gears, and Pulleys
The Wheel and Axle
Video: Wheel and Axle: Simple Machines
Video: Simple Machines for Kids
Video: Simple Machines
Video: Torque
Video: Simple Machines: The Pulley
Centripetal Force
Lesson 33: Aerodynamics and Flight
What Is a Projectile?
Newton’s First Law Applied to Airplanes
Video: How Do Airplanes Fly?
Not Your Average Paper Airplane
Lesson 34: Modern Machines
What Is a Satellite?
Explain that Stuff: Satellites
New Interactive Chart Shows Just How Many Satellites are Orbiting Earth
Explain that Stuff: Television
Explain that Stuff: Record Players and Phonographs
How Car Engines Work
How Do Hybrid Cars and Trucks Work?
Grade 8 - Pre Algebra
Lesson 2
Lesson 5
Printable Red and Yellow Circles
Lesson 8
How to Draw the Sierpinski Triangle: A Fractal Zoom
Lesson 11
Lesson 20
GeoGebra: Pythagorean Theory Intro
Prealgebra Lesson 2 Activity B Pythagorean Theorem Cut Outs
Lesson 24
MATH: Percent Change in US Household Debt
APPLICATION: Calculating Taxes with Rational Numbers
Lesson 26
Lesson 31
High School
Click Here for High School Curriculum Links >
Parent/Teacher Courses
Foundations in Social Justice
Lesson 1: We’re All Different and We All Belong
All That We Share
How Microaggressions Are Like Mosquito Bites
Lesson 2: What You Know
Anti-Bias Framework
Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves
Lesson 3: How to Talk About the Hard Stuff
This American Life – Birds & Bees
Facing History and Ourselves
My Multicultural Self
Starting Small
Zinn Education Project
Lesson 4: What Does a Socially Just World Look Like?
Parenting for Social Justice
On a Plate: A Short Story about Privilege
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
What I Said When My White Friend Asked For My Black Opinion on White Privilege
Rise Up and White Boy Privilege
What is Privilege?
Everyone’s a Helper
Lesson 6: What Story Are We Telling?
Raising Kids of Color
Race: The Power of An Illusion
How I Taught My Son to Love His Skin
Talking About Ferguson With Our Little Boys
On Mothering White Sons to Know #BlackLivesMatter
So You Call Yourself an Ally: 10 Things All ‘Allies’ Need to Know
A Message of Tolerance and Welcome, Spreading from Yard to Yard
Lesson 7: What Can I Say?
100 Race-Conscious Things You Can Say To Your Child To Advance Racial Justice
Teaching Young Children About Race
Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged
60+ Resources for Talking to Kids About Racism
Where Are the People Like Me?
Understanding Prejudice Through Paper Plate Portraits
Using Editorial Cartoons to Teach Social Justice
Lesson 8: Acting for Racial Justice
The Root Social Justice Center
Migrant Justice
Showing Up for Racial Justice
Black Lives Matter
Idle No More
SURJ Mother’s Day Action Toolkit
Lesson 9: Religious Diversity
The Why and How of Religious Diversity Training
Teaching Kids to Respect Other Religions
Take Action: How Non-Muslims Can Help to End Islamophobia
Not in Our Town: Billings, Montana
Love Has No Labels
Lesson 10: Money Matters
We Need Racial Justice and Economic Justice
New Obamacare Data Shows How the Struggles fro Economic Justice and Racial Justice Are Connected
The New Economy Coalition
Wealth Inequality in America
The Next System Project
Making Cents of Privilege
Lesson 11: New Ways to Think About Money
The Story of Solutions
Spent Game
Time Banks
Grounded Solutions Network
Lesson 12: Independence Versus Interdependence
Isn’t It a Pity? The Real Problem with Special Needs
Interdependency (excerpts from several talks)
Teaching About Tolerance Through Music
Don’t Laugh At Me Lyrics
Don’t Laugh At Me Video
Lesson 13: Acknowledging Disability with Grace and Honesty
Max The Champion
7 Things to Do When Your Kid Points Out Someone’s Differences
Talking to Kids About Disability (and Voldemort)
Disability Awareness: 10 Things Parents Should Teach Their Kids About Disabilities
Krip-Hop Nation
The Spoon Theory
Lesson 14: Disability Awareness
The World Needs All Kinds of Minds
Words Can Hurt
Mental Health Issues Are Disabilities, Too. It’s Time to Treat Them That Way
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Study: Elderly Go From Being Perceived as Capable Consumer to ‘Old Person’
Ageism in America
Talk to Me
Just Ask
Disability Awareness Activity Packet
Lesson 15: Gender Roles and Sexism
Rewrite the Story
#Like a Girl
Miss Representation
The Mask You Live In
Gender Equity Activities
Lesson 16: Gender Identity
Transgender Basics—Gender Identity Project
Fact Sheet: Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth in School
Gender Spectrum
Lesson 17: Sexual Orientation
Sex? Sexual Orientation? Gender Identity? Gender Expression?
Stop the Hate
Lesson 18: Changing the Narrative
Sometimes the Spoon Runs Away with the Other Spoon Coloring Book
Toolkit for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression
Lesson 19: Web of Connection
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Catalyst Project
A New Kind of Climate Movement
Earth Guardians
10 Ways Youth Can Engage in Activism
Lesson 20: Lifelong Learning
The Action Continuum
Teaching Tolerance Anti-Bias Framework