
Living Education is a biannual online magazine owned and operated by Oak Meadow. Oak Meadow invites readers, parents, and educators to submit articles and essays on topics related to our upcoming issue’s theme.

Submissions from homeschooling and homeschool-minded parents, educators, administrators, and students are welcome. Please view past issues of Living Education to get a feel for our audience and content. We are especially interested in articles that highlight unique and innovative paths that the educational journey can take. ~DeeDee Hughes, Managing Editor

Submission Deadlines

Fall issue: May 15
Spring issue: November 15

Spring 2025 theme:

Game Time! Learning Through Play

Play is such an integral part of the learning process that it’s hard to think of an academic skill that isn’t rooted in what we learned while playing games. Decision making, team building, risk taking, making observations, reasoning, record keeping, following procedures, communicating clearly, leading and following, mental math, creative problem solving—the list is endless!

It’s often easy to see how play builds foundational skills for young children, but we want to look beyond that. How do you incorporate play for older children and teens? What skills and academic subjects have you approached in a nontraditional way? For instance, maybe you’ve done a scavenger hunt to find scientific specimens or examples of certain phenomena. Or maybe your kids performed a play to explore historical events, philosophical or scientific theories, or literary structure.

In the next issue of Living Education, we want to hear your ideas for combining academics and play. Have you created quirky family games that have become part of your homeschooling? Does your homeschool co-op use games to develop skills or explore topics? Play is an essential part of being human, and we’re eager to hear how you bring it into your homeschooling adventures.

Submission Details

Length: varying, up to approximately 1,000 words
Payment: varying, up to $75 per original piece. Payments are made by check or PayPal only.

Please send submissions, proposals, and questions to DeeDee Hughes,

Terms & Conditions

By submitting your article, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • You guarantee that you are the sole author of all content within your article or essay, or can provide written proof that contributing authors also grant permission for use according to these terms.
  • If your article is published, you grant Oak Meadow and Living Education Magazine the right to use and distribute it in any manner and in all media. In addition, you grant Oak Meadow the right to use excerpts from your writing for the marketing and promotion of Living Education. Wherever possible, Oak Meadow will credit you as the author.
  • We can accept pieces that have previously been published online or in print, provided that another publication does not hold exclusive rights to it.
  • By submitting your article or essay, you waive any privacy expectations you may have with regards to your submission. Do not include any private information in your piece that you do not want shared publicly.
  • You understand that Oak Meadow will select submissions at their sole discretion and are under no obligation to publish your submission. We cannot always reply to each and every submission. We will do our best to notify you if your piece is selected for publication.
  • You agree to indemnify and hold Oak Meadow harmless from and against any third-party claims alleging that your submission violates their rights.

If you need to withdraw your piece from our consideration, please let us know immediately.
