To celebrate the release of our new curriculum covers, Oak Meadow is holding a coloring contest! Download the blank coloring sheet below for your student’s upcoming grade level and let their imagination run wild. For students grades 4-8, students can design a cover to match their favorite subject.
The best part? Winners will receive an Oak Meadow coursebook featuring their very own illustrated cover!
Submissions for the 2019 Curriculum Cover Coloring Contest are closed. Congratulations to our winners!
Click on the images below to download your coloring sheet
Contest Rules
Prizes will be awarded in two categories: K-4 and 5-8. One winner from each category will win a custom copy of the grade curriculum they’ve drawn. U.S. winners only. Contest winners will be selected by the Oak Meadow staff.
Submit entries by uploading them full-size and best-quality to the entry form above. There is no limit to the number of entries you may submit.
Submitting your entry serves as your agreement to the following: You give Oak Meadow full permission to use submitted entries in our publications, on our website, sharing them through social media including Facebook and Instagram, and any other applicable display or use with no compensation or attribution (unless we have room–then we’d love to give you credit!) to promote Oak Meadow and it’s services and products.