Oak Meadow has been here for you since 1975, and we want to offer as much help as we can to families during this time of need.
Parents naturally have questions as they explore educational options, but with so much uncertainty surrounding us all these days, we know that, now more than ever, parents need high-quality information and resources to help them navigate the coming months. Additionally, even with teachers sending work electronically, many parents are needing more assistance finding engaging, educational activities to do with their curious learners.
To help, we’ve compiled this list of resources and curriculum activities in an effort to support parents and students affected by the coronavirus. Keep checking back, too, because we’ll be adding new free lessons and daily activities from our curriculum as well as new resources every day.
K-4 Curriculum Activity Packets – FREE DOWNLOAD
![Oak Meadow Curriculum Activity Packets #5 - Free Download](https://www.oakmeadow.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/5ActivityPacketsOM-300x300.png)
Having kids at home all the time is a big transition, for new and veteran homeschoolers alike. To help them stay entertained and educationally engaged, we’ve compiled Curriculum Activity Packets, available for free download. These packets include selections from Oak Meadow curriculum activities ranging from recipes to poems and songs to science projects and more!
Curriculum Activity Packet #1 >
Curriculum Activity Packet #2 >
Curriculum Activity Packet #3 >
Curriculum Activity Packet #4 >
Curriculum Activity Packet #5 >
We’re also offering “Lesson 4: Illness Prevention” from our K-3 health curriculum for free download here >
More Curriculum Crafts & Activities:
- Oak Meadow’s Pinterest: Our Pinterest page is full of seasonal activities, recipes, and fun that children of all ages can enjoy.
- Living Education: our free online journal includes great articles on homeschooling and parenting as well as curriculum activities and crafts.
- Oak Meadow Curriculum Samples: our curriculum samples each contain several weeks worth of lessons and can serve as an educational supplement for families awaiting long term plans from their schools.
- Citrus Bird Feeder: spring activity great for all ages! Aid in the seasonal observation of bird and attract them to your home with this simple citrus bird feeder.
- Dinosaur-Themed Craft Activities: Is there anything more fun than dinosaur crafts? Channel your inner archaeologist, and get ready to explore the wide world of dinosaur craft activities.
- Paper Marbling Craft: Paper marbling, an activity in our 6th Grade Ancient Civilizations course, is a beautiful craft activity that unleashes your child’s creativity.
- Oak Meadow Circle Time Songs – on Spotify
Other Educational Activities We Love:
- Free live puppet workshops every Thursday afternoon from 2-3pm EST (on Facebook) – from the Sandglass Theater in Putney, VT
- Students Can Respond to Daily Writing Prompts, Inspired by The New York Times, at Home for Free
- Art Every Day: 5 Fun Projects to Boost the Creativity in Your Homeschool
- 28 Days of Activities for Kids(+Free Printable): staying sane during Covid-19
- 250+ Lego Challenge Cards for all ages
- The Great Courses Plus is offering a one month free trial
- Storyline Online – videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations
- Dyson Creates 44 Free Engineering & Science Challenges for Kids Quarantined During COVID-19
Getting Started With Homeschooling:
- Transitioning from School to Homeschooling
- Adjusting to Homeschooling Mid-Year
- 14 Tips for Working from Home and Homeschooling
- Setting Up Your Homeschool Space
- Organizing Your Homeschool Day
- Guidelines for Home Teachers
- Yes, You Can!
- Homeschooling Do’s and Don’t – Tips from an Oak Meadow Parent
- Foundations in Independent Learning: this online teacher training program is designed to introduce parents and teachers to Oak Meadow’s philosophy and curriculum.
Resources for Talking to Your Children About COVID-19 and Coping with Stress:
- Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus) A Parent Resource
- Talking to Kids about the Coronavirus
- What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety: an interactive self-help book designed to guide 6–12 year olds and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of generalized anxiety.
Other Resource Guides:
- Green Child Magazine: “Free Educational, Mindfulness, and Fun Resources for Keeping Kids Busy in Quarantine”
- Sparkle Stories: “Helpful Coronavirus Resources for Parents and Kids”
- Simplehomeschool.net: “Homeschooling during coronavirus? Try the 3 hour homeschool solution!”
- The Homeschool Mom: “Suddenly Homeschooling: Resources for When Schools Close”